A Report on the State of Palliative Care in Canada Health Canada has published a progress report on its “Framework on Palliative Care in Canada” detailing the progress in palliative care since the adoption of the 2017 framework. This framework, mandated by the Government of Canada, focuses on improving palliative care accessibility nationwide. The report, […]

The Action Plan: A Product of Insights from 33 Experts, 32 Organizations, and Two Public Partners at the 2022 Provincial Bereavement Roundtable. The groundbreaking report maps how British Columbians experience grief, and where they turn for support, and presents actionable recommendations to enhance the diverse forms of grief and bereavement support across the province. Whether

Many people in Canada experience challenges in accessing palliative care when and where they need it early enough in their illness trajectory to get the support they need. These challenges have been further exacerbated by the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on policy priorities, programs and services related to hospice palliative care in Canada.

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